“Gloria has a love for art that you completely nurture and invigorate.  She treasures the time she gets in your classes and leaves feeling creative and inspired.”

— Amy S., 1st grade parent

“I really like having you as my art teacher. I really liked learning about bugs and I liked making a bee out of cardboard. Thank you for everything.”

— Ziv K., age 5


“Dahlia's grandparents are greatly impressed by the original creations of her AND her sister Arielle. Your joyful expressiveness is infectious.”

— Harry and Kathy S., Proud grandparents

“Esther knows how to create a calm, organized, stimulating space for instructing about and doing art. She is a great teacher--very tuned in to each child and to what projects are good for children of every age. She handles children wisely, teaching them good behavior--practical, responsible handling of materials, and an open, generous and appreciative attitude toward themselves and others. Esther brings careful thought and preparation, knowledge of art and artists, and her own love of making art to each class project. She is excited about what she is teaching and what her students are learning and creating. The atmosphere around Esther is conducive to creating deeply satisfying and amazing art!”

- Sandy G., Kindergarten teacher

Sign up for an art class today.

“Thank you so much for teaching all our kids art, and for infusing in them a love for exploration and creativity.

I lik

e how you work with each kid based on their abilities, and incorporate self exploration and expression as part of the curriculum.”

— Tamar S., 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th grade parent

“She really sees herself as an artist - it's pretty amazing! We're incredibly grateful.” 

— Meira and Gershon A., 1st grade parents

“Eitan really enjoyed making the paper sculpture and the wire face yesterday. It’s just so cool seeing him excited about art. As someone with zero artistic ability myself, I used to dread art class as a kid. I love that you have helped Eitan to feel capable, creative, and comfortable doing art regardless of talent-level!”

— Bev W., 5th grade parent

“I appreciate not just how you guide students through an art creation project, but also how you teach them to look at art critically, analytically, aesthetically, ‘engineeringly,’ and emotionally.”

- Carolyn P., Middle school teacher


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Everyone deserves access to arts education.

Learn more about how you can provide an enriching art experience for a young artist today.

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“That was amazing! Gila was so engaged, she didn’t even notice her baby sister banging on the glass door trying to get her attention!”

— Jen B., Kindergarten parent

“You find a way to share your interests and values in a way that brings the kids in and they question and create with you. That is special.”

— Aliza W., 1st and 3rd grade parent

“Thank you for being a great teacher and role model, and for bringing color, form and expression to Yali and Levi's lives! Those sparks will be there always.”

— Sarah L., 2nd and 5th grade parent

Art is for everyone.